One of my favorite types of videos to watch on YouTube is days in the life so I decided to make a blog post outlining a typical day in my life. Of course, everyday differs but this shows a general idea of what a college, pre-med, day in my life looks like. College life is busy and at times chaotic but fortunately I have been able to get a basic routine down that helps me stay productive and balanced.
A typical Thursday in my life...
My Morning
Recently I have been waking up at around 7:30 every morning but am actively trying to wake up earlier to increase my productivity in the morning.
I start every morning with COFFEE, basically the thing that sustains me and gets me out of bed.
Next, I get ready for the day ahead of me. Now, typically all that I have to do to get ready is get dressed, do my skincare, and ensure I have all my stuff I'll need throughout the day. I try to prep my backpack, my lunch, lab bag, and anything else I'll need the night before to limit stress and the feeling of being rushed.
Some mornings I will work on homework in the morning but this morning I did not. Instead, in the time I had left before leaving the house I watched Gilmore Girls while having my breakfast (typically a protein smoothie.) This is reality, and I think taking time to detach from school or work or any other responsibilities is crucial to keeping your sanity and preventing feelings of burnout.
Next, I left the house and drove to school for my physics lecture and for a Students in Philanthropy meeting. In physics we continued to learn about 2D motion and in SIP we brainstormed fundraising ideas for the semester and worked on our understanding of parliamentary procedure.
My Afternoon
After getting out of my SIP meeting around 12:00, I walked across the campus quad to my favorite place... the library. I make it a point to walk when I can instead of driving because it gets my body moving. Typically on Thursdays I don’t get a traditional workout in so walking around campus makes me feel so much better.
Once I got to the library, I ate my lunch and then got working on my schoolwork. I reviewed the material from my physics and organic chemistry classes and then worked on some blog content.
After I was done at the library, I headed to tutoring which I do every other Thursday (on the opposing Thursdays I have physics lab.) I don’t have tutoring for all my classes, just physics, but I cannot recommend it enough. My campus offers “free” tutoring at our success center, and it has saved my life and my grade.
Once tutoring finished I headed home and took a much-needed mental break. (Honestly, my mental break consisted of scrolling through Tik Tok for about thirty minutes, but this changes daily depending on how I am feeling and what I want to do.)
Lastly, I went to target and a few other stores with my boyfriend.
My Evening
Once I got home from the little errands I immediately got in my comfy PJ’s and had dinner.
After dinner I did my skincare, worked on a problem on my physics homework, reviewed what I went over in tutoring, watched some YouTube videos, and read a little bit (I am currently reading Verity by Colleen Hoover.)
Lastly, I went to sleep.
On average I typically go to sleep around 9:30/10 o'clock.
That's it, that's a Thursday in my life.
This Thursday was not the most exciting day, but it was productive and balanced. Not every day looks like this, some look much more hectic, some look much more school heavy, and some look much more exciting.
I will be documenting more days in my life on here and over on my Instagram @chasadea.premed so make sure to subscribe and follow me over on Instagram, so you never miss out. Like I said, every day differs and some days I have zero motivation and am not productive at all, but that's okay.
I love you all,